Thoughts Musings Reflections Adventures Stories Pondering Extracts From My Angle OF Life....and Yours Perhaps...

Strong Dunamic Nature

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a BeLiVeR of TrUth an ARtIsT of bEAUtY & nATure a LOver of JUSTICE & PEAcE

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Dogs are man's best friends?

Looks more like they are each others best friends.Each and every other day they would jump on each other to 'nibble' (that's mildly said) on each others ears, paws...God knows what else...Overturning each other, growling, rough play etc etc..once they are together is the usual picture we get daily.

They do bring joy and delight as all dog lovers would agree on their pet family, but on the other hand cleaning them up or cleaning after them is another story.At this stage Savvy the 8 month old poodle is house trained though a few slip ups now & then.
However Sasha the 2 month old has yet to learn the ropes of toiletry.

Just look at them.....BEST BUDS for Life wouldn't you agree!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hands vs Germs

HANDS  versus

With all the current outbreaks of recent illnesses,, here's some helpful tips to help us be more aware of our No 1 personal hygiene and what better way to begin, than with our hands!

To Ponder Intensely

  1. Use large amounts of warm, running water and liquid soap to lather hands and wrists. Scrub all surfaces of your hands and fingers for at least 15 to 20 seconds.Interlace palm to palm.Place right dorsum over left dorsum and vice versa.Rotational rubbings of right thumb clasped in left palm and vice versa.Rotational rubbings,backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa.Finally,don't forget your wrists. Apply rotational rubbing of right wrist and vice versa.
  2. Bar soaps can harbor germs which cause infection. Therefore, use liquid soap if available.
  3. Rinse hands well with clean, running water.
    Rinse with hands pointing down to prevent rinse water from running up your arms.
  4. Dry with a disposable paper towel.
  5. Shut off the faucet using the paper towel as a barrier between your clean hands and the faucet handle.
  6. Use a skin moisturizing cream regularly to prevent cracks in the skin which can be an entry point for germs that cause infection.
To help prevent the spread of germs, people should wash their hands frequently throughout the day.
It is especially important to wash your hands:
  • Before you eat
  • After going to the bathroom or changing a diaper
  • Before, during, and after preparing food
  • After blowing or wiping your nose or your child’s nose
  • Before and after tending to cuts
  • After touching animals (especially at petting zoos)
According to the Mayo Clinic, Hand Washing doesn’t take much time or effort, but it offers great rewards in terms of preventing illness.
So take a few minutes to go wash your hands ....DO IT NOW!
Who knows, it could save a life!!!

Check this out:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

dropping in to see you.....TODAY

As the title suggest I'm paying my blog a visit after umpteen yrs??!! no ooo...I hope my visit will become a habit that I cannot break this time round. Lots has happened over yesteryears...and who's to say it wasn't a pain in the crack or a mystery to my wonderful brain? only I me and myself...

Today I ate at Nandos & painstakingly waited to be served & for the food to arrive.After getting her attention over many waves, shouts, whistles...her excuse was that we are short of staff. I took the Petisco dish for the first time & the sauces & chicken were good. D chicken pita was also worth the wait as the side dishes were full of healthy beans....the place was packed with hungry eager diners & the customer flow was consistent. I even saw a man tip the waitress RM5.00.Was that generous or expected  in our so called stingy society?mmm...i left the place fully satisfied & welcomed the thought of returning again soon. No wonder the tables are fully occupied even on a weekday night. I don't mind having a franchise like this with them...
I also bought a new toy - a ruby pink colored microsoft wireless mobile mouse 4000 which I'm currently enjoying.Its an amazing creature!It works on virtually any surface including granite countertops, carpets, and wood tables. Its smooth & sleek...suave & intelligent.what a baby!You can google it or check it out here http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/ProductDetails.aspx?pid=013&active_tab=systemRequirements
My next passion of object would be to acquire an Olympus XZ.

You can read its reviews here http://www.photoreview.com.au/reviews/advanced/olympus-xz1.aspx
Lets see if this craving materializes or simply vanish & go up in smokes!!
I'm also hoping to take a short vacation here...http://www.gayana-eco-resort.com/page.php?mn=info

Signing off